"Light and Shadow and Time"
My passion for photography was born in the 1970s while I was still at school in Northern Ireland. One day our Physics teacher showed us how to develop a black and white film and from there, how to create a print. I was immediately captivated by the magic that took place in the darkroom and that initial sense of wonder has never diminished.
Subsequently I went on to have a career in Engineering and in particular, the technology of high voltage underground power cables. During that time my passion for Photography was a constant, I made the change from film to digital in 2006, an unintended consequence of which was a freedom to explore colour photography alongside my long-standing passion for black and white work.
After a successful period of engagement with international salons, including winning two gold medals, a PSA ribbon and a diploma, I am proud to have been awarded the distinction “A.F.I.A.P.” (Artiste F.I.A.P.) by the Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique (F.I.A.P.) in 2014.

My photography has always been personal and, for me, a successful image is one which communicates to others something of the world around me as I see it. If someone finds what I have to say about the world through my photography interesting then I can feel I have succeeded.
The Author and environmentalist Edward Abbey wrote -
"Our job is to record, each in his own way, this world of light and shadow and time that will never come again exactly as it is today."
This is what I endeavour to do with my photography and I hope you will find something to enjoy as you browse my images.
See my work on Art Limited
See my work on Behance
Expolre my Pinterest boards showcasing more than 1500 images by my favourite Photographers.